Our certificates: USDA ORGANIC

All the processes of our company have received organic certification: From the field, to the transformation of the products in our facilities. One of the most important we have is USDA ORGANIC.

This certification follows the regulations of the National Organic Program of the United States Department of Agriculture. This guarantee is vital for those who wish to export their organic products for human consumption in that country. This seal is one of the most recognized internationally.

What does this certificate evaluate?

  • Field history: Check the fertility of the soil, without the use of pesticides, chemical transgenics or artificial components or artificial nitrogen fertilizers that can affect the organic process.

  • Storage and post-harvest handling of organic products.

  • The processes involved in the transformation of the product.

  • On labeling, only the use of permitted materials is allowed

  • It also ensures the maintenance of biodiversity and respect for natural cycles and animal welfare.

We recognize certified food thanks to the seal that appears on the product label, which guarantees innocuous and organic process.